nearly everyone's house was wired. Surely other of you readers will remember those old living room ceiling fixtures. A big frost- ed fish bowl in the center with some sort of a painting on it and four matching shades hanging at the corners. They hadn't had theirs long before I broke it with a mop handle. That time she didn't worry at all about my being too big to spank.

My aunt dressed like the girls in my class at school. That is, she didn't wear a bra and she rolled her stockings. In school a girl never left her seat for any reason but she'd stop and pull up her stockings. In the hallways between classes they were al- ways bobbing up and down or else running to catch up with their girl friends who had kept on walking when they had stopped to pull up their stockings. So, I had never worn a girdle. I had found corsets from time to time and mother wore one but they were always too big for me.

Of course, I had to work with my father when he needed me and I was not in school. About three miles from our home was a summer colony where the very wealthy from a nearby city spent their sum- mers. Often when opening a summer home, mother would be house cleaning. Dad would have a job there at the same time and very likely get a job for me raking the lawn or cutting the grass.

So it was one spring that the cleaning women were working in the house of a neighbor of ours. They had set the trash from the house out off the back porch in the same place I was making my pile of trash from the lawn. And there right on top was what looked like a brand new girdle. It looked just right for me. was careful all day to see that it didn't get covered up or out of my sight. There was no way I could see of getting it home or hiding it somewhere else without Dad or the cleaning women seeing



At dinner time I asked Dad if we were going to take the trash to the dump. But he said no that there was a truck coming for it in the morning.


That was fine. I could go back that night and get it. my aunt had something special for me that evening. She seldom asked me to stay, but I asked her to be excused to go and get it. I have forgotten what she wanted but it was important to her and she thought I was carrying this sissy business too far. She
